RUN RUN COPY RUN FROM RUN COPY RUN CMD, EXPOSE ... ``` * The build fails as soon as an instruction fails * If `RUN ` fails, the build doesn't produce an image * If it succeeds, it produces a clean image (without test libraries and data) .debug[[containers/](] --- class: pic .interstitial[![Image separating from the next part](] --- name: toc-dockerfile-examples class: title Dockerfile examples .nav[ [Previous part](#toc-tips-for-efficient-dockerfiles) | [Back to table of contents](#toc-part-2) | [Next part](#toc-compose-for-development-stacks) ] .debug[(automatically generated title slide)] --- # Dockerfile examples There are a number of tips, tricks, and techniques that we can use in Dockerfiles. But sometimes, we have to use different (and even opposed) practices depending on: - the complexity of our project, - the programming language or framework that we are using, - the stage of our project (early MVP vs. super-stable production), - whether we're building a final image or a base for further images, - etc. We are going to show a few examples using very different techniques. .debug[[containers/](] --- ## When to optimize an image When authoring official images, it is a good idea to reduce as much as possible: - the number of layers, - the size of the final image. This is often done at the expense of build time and convenience for the image maintainer; but when an image is downloaded millions of time, saving even a few seconds of pull time can be worth it. .small[ ```dockerfile RUN apt-get update && apt-get install -y libpng12-dev libjpeg-dev && rm -rf /var/lib/apt/lists/* \ && docker-php-ext-configure gd --with-png-dir=/usr --with-jpeg-dir=/usr \ && docker-php-ext-install gd ... RUN curl -o wordpress.tar.gz -SL${WORDPRESS_UPSTREAM_VERSION}.tar.gz \ && echo "$WORDPRESS_SHA1 *wordpress.tar.gz" | sha1sum -c - \ && tar -xzf wordpress.tar.gz -C /usr/src/ \ && rm wordpress.tar.gz \ && chown -R www-data:www-data /usr/src/wordpress ``` ] (Source: [Wordpress official image]( .debug[[containers/](] --- ## When to *not* optimize an image Sometimes, it is better to prioritize *maintainer convenience*. In particular, if: - the image changes a lot, - the image has very few users (e.g. only 1, the maintainer!), - the image is built and run on the same machine, - the image is built and run on machines with a very fast link ... In these cases, just keep things simple! (Next slide: a Dockerfile that can be used to preview a Jekyll / github pages site.) .debug[[containers/](] --- ```dockerfile FROM debian:sid RUN apt-get update -q RUN apt-get install -yq build-essential make RUN apt-get install -yq zlib1g-dev RUN apt-get install -yq ruby ruby-dev RUN apt-get install -yq python-pygments RUN apt-get install -yq nodejs RUN apt-get install -yq cmake RUN gem install --no-rdoc --no-ri github-pages COPY . /blog WORKDIR /blog VOLUME /blog/_site EXPOSE 4000 CMD ["jekyll", "serve", "--host", "", "--incremental"] ``` .debug[[containers/](] --- ## Multi-dimensional versioning systems Images can have a tag, indicating the version of the image. But sometimes, there are multiple important components, and we need to indicate the versions for all of them. This can be done with environment variables: ```dockerfile ENV PIP=9.0.3 \ ZC_BUILDOUT=2.11.2 \ SETUPTOOLS=38.7.0 \ PLONE_MAJOR=5.1 \ PLONE_VERSION=5.1.0 \ PLONE_MD5=76dc6cfc1c749d763c32fff3a9870d8d ``` (Source: [Plone official image]( .debug[[containers/](] --- ## Entrypoints and wrappers It is very common to define a custom entrypoint. That entrypoint will generally be a script, performing any combination of: - pre-flights checks (if a required dependency is not available, display a nice error message early instead of an obscure one in a deep log file), - generation or validation of configuration files, - dropping privileges (with e.g. `su` or `gosu`, sometimes combined with `chown`), - and more. .debug[[containers/](] --- ## A typical entrypoint script ```dockerfile #!/bin/sh set -e # first arg is '-f' or '--some-option' # or first arg is 'something.conf' if [ "${1#-}" != "$1" ] || [ "${1%.conf}" != "$1" ]; then set -- redis-server "$@" fi # allow the container to be started with '--user' if [ "$1" = 'redis-server' -a "$(id -u)" = '0' ]; then chown -R redis . exec su-exec redis "$0" "$@" fi exec "$@" ``` (Source: [Redis official image]( .debug[[containers/](] --- ## Factoring information To facilitate maintenance (and avoid human errors), avoid to repeat information like: - version numbers, - remote asset URLs (e.g. source tarballs) ... Instead, use environment variables. .small[ ```dockerfile ENV NODE_VERSION 10.2.1 ... RUN ... && curl -fsSLO --compressed "$NODE_VERSION/node-v$NODE_VERSION.tar.xz" \ && curl -fsSLO --compressed "$NODE_VERSION/SHASUMS256.txt.asc" \ && gpg --batch --decrypt --output SHASUMS256.txt SHASUMS256.txt.asc \ && grep " node-v$NODE_VERSION.tar.xz\$" SHASUMS256.txt | sha256sum -c - \ && tar -xf "node-v$NODE_VERSION.tar.xz" \ && cd "node-v$NODE_VERSION" \ ... ``` ] (Source: [Nodejs official image]( .debug[[containers/](] --- ## Overrides In theory, development and production images should be the same. In practice, we often need to enable specific behaviors in development (e.g. debug statements). One way to reconcile both needs is to use Compose to enable these behaviors. Let's look at the [trainingwheels]( demo app for an example. .debug[[containers/](] --- ## Production image This Dockerfile builds an image leveraging gunicorn: ```dockerfile FROM python RUN pip install flask RUN pip install gunicorn RUN pip install redis COPY . /src WORKDIR /src CMD gunicorn --bind --workers 10 counter:app EXPOSE 5000 ``` (Source: [trainingwheels Dockerfile]( .debug[[containers/](] --- ## Development Compose file This Compose file uses the same image, but with a few overrides for development: - the Flask development server is used (overriding `CMD`), - the `DEBUG` environment variable is set, - a volume is used to provide a faster local development workflow. .small[ ```yaml services: www: build: www ports: - 8000:5000 user: nobody environment: DEBUG: 1 command: python volumes: - ./www:/src ``` ] (Source: [trainingwheels Compose file]( .debug[[containers/](] --- ## How to know which best practices are better? - The main goal of containers is to make our lives easier. - In this chapter, we showed many ways to write Dockerfiles. - These Dockerfiles use sometimes diametrically opposed techniques. - Yet, they were the "right" ones *for a specific situation.* - It's OK (and even encouraged) to start simple and evolve as needed. - Feel free to review this chapter later (after writing a few Dockerfiles) for inspiration! ??? :EN:Optimizing images :EN:- Dockerfile tips, tricks, and best practices :EN:- Reducing build time :EN:- Reducing image size :FR:Optimiser ses images :FR:- Bonnes pratiques, trucs et astuces :FR:- Réduire le temps de build :FR:- Réduire la taille des images .debug[[containers/](] --- class: pic .interstitial[![Image separating from the next part](] --- name: toc-compose-for-development-stacks class: title Compose for development stacks .nav[ [Previous part](#toc-dockerfile-examples) | [Back to table of contents](#toc-part-2) | [Next part](#toc-links-and-resources) ] .debug[(automatically generated title slide)] --- # Compose for development stacks Dockerfile = great to build *one* container image. What if we have multiple containers? What if some of them require particular `docker run` parameters? How do we connect them all together? ... Compose solves these use-cases (and a few more). .debug[[containers/](] --- ## Life before Compose Before we had Compose, we would typically write custom scripts to: - build container images, - run containers using these images, - connect the containers together, - rebuild, restart, update these images and containers. .debug[[containers/](] --- ## Life with Compose Compose enables a simple, powerful onboarding workflow: 1. Checkout our code. 2. Run `docker-compose up`. 3. Our app is up and running! .debug[[containers/](] --- class: pic ![composeup](images/composeup.gif) .debug[[containers/](] --- ## Life after Compose (Or: when do we need something else?) - Compose is *not* an orchestrator - It isn't designed to need to run containers on multiple nodes (it can, however, work with Docker Swarm Mode) - Compose isn't ideal if we want to run containers on Kubernetes - it uses different concepts (Compose services ≠ Kubernetes services) - it needs a Docker Engine (althought containerd support might be coming) .debug[[containers/](] --- ## First rodeo with Compose 1. Write Dockerfiles 2. Describe our stack of containers in a YAML file called `docker-compose.yml` 3. `docker-compose up` (or `docker-compose up -d` to run in the background) 4. Compose pulls and builds the required images, and starts the containers 5. Compose shows the combined logs of all the containers (if running in the background, use `docker-compose logs`) 6. Hit Ctrl-C to stop the whole stack (if running in the background, use `docker-compose stop`) .debug[[containers/](] --- ## Iterating After making changes to our source code, we can: 1. `docker-compose build` to rebuild container images 2. `docker-compose up` to restart the stack with the new images We can also combine both with `docker-compose up --build` Compose will be smart, and only recreate the containers that have changed. When working with interpreted languages: - dont' rebuild each time - leverage a `volumes` section instead .debug[[containers/](] --- ## Launching Our First Stack with Compose First step: clone the source code for the app we will be working on. ```bash git clone cd trainingwheels ``` Second step: start the app. ```bash docker-compose up ``` Watch Compose build and run the app. That Compose stack exposes a web server on port 8000; try connecting to it. .debug[[containers/](] --- ## Launching Our First Stack with Compose We should see a web page like this: ![composeapp](images/composeapp.png) Each time we reload, the counter should increase. .debug[[containers/](] --- ## Stopping the app When we hit Ctrl-C, Compose tries to gracefully terminate all of the containers. After ten seconds (or if we press `^C` again) it will forcibly kill them. .debug[[containers/](] --- ## The `docker-compose.yml` file Here is the file used in the demo: .small[ ```yaml version: "3" services: www: build: www ports: - ${PORT-8000}:5000 user: nobody environment: DEBUG: 1 command: python volumes: - ./www:/src redis: image: redis ``` ] .debug[[containers/](] --- ## Compose file structure A Compose file has multiple sections: * `version` is mandatory. (Typically use "3".) * `services` is mandatory. Each service corresponds to a container. * `networks` is optional and indicates to which networks containers should be connected. (By default, containers will be connected on a private, per-compose-file network.) * `volumes` is optional and can define volumes to be used and/or shared by the containers. .debug[[containers/](] --- ## Compose file versions * Version 1 is legacy and shouldn't be used. (If you see a Compose file without `version` and `services`, it's a legacy v1 file.) * Version 2 added support for networks and volumes. * Version 3 added support for deployment options (scaling, rolling updates, etc). * Typically use `version: "3"`. The [Docker documentation]( has excellent information about the Compose file format if you need to know more about versions. .debug[[containers/](] --- ## Containers in `docker-compose.yml` Each service in the YAML file must contain either `build`, or `image`. * `build` indicates a path containing a Dockerfile. * `image` indicates an image name (local, or on a registry). * If both are specified, an image will be built from the `build` directory and named `image`. The other parameters are optional. They encode the parameters that you would typically add to `docker run`. Sometimes they have several minor improvements. .debug[[containers/](] --- ## Container parameters * `command` indicates what to run (like `CMD` in a Dockerfile). * `ports` translates to one (or multiple) `-p` options to map ports. You can specify local ports (i.e. `x:y` to expose public port `x`). * `volumes` translates to one (or multiple) `-v` options. You can use relative paths here. For the full list, check: .debug[[containers/](] --- ## Environment variables - We can use environment variables in Compose files (like `$THIS` or `${THAT}`) - We can provide default values, e.g. `${PORT-8000}` - Compose will also automatically load the environment file `.env` (it should contain `VAR=value`, one per line) - This is a great way to customize build and run parameters (base image versions to use, build and run secrets, port numbers...) .debug[[containers/](] --- ## Running multiple copies of a stack - Copy the stack in two different directories, e.g. `front` and `frontcopy` - Compose prefixes images and containers with the directory name: `front_www`, `front_www_1`, `front_db_1` `frontcopy_www`, `frontcopy_www_1`, `frontcopy_db_1` - Alternatively, use `docker-compose -p frontcopy` (to set the `--project-name` of a stack, which default to the dir name) - Each copy is isolated from the others (runs on a different network) .debug[[containers/](] --- ## Checking stack status We have `ps`, `docker ps`, and similarly, `docker-compose ps`: ```bash $ docker-compose ps Name Command State Ports ---------------------------------------------------------------------------- trainingwheels_redis_1 / red Up 6379/tcp trainingwheels_www_1 python Up>5000/tcp ``` Shows the status of all the containers of our stack. Doesn't show the other containers. .debug[[containers/](] --- ## Cleaning up (1) If you have started your application in the background with Compose and want to stop it easily, you can use the `kill` command: ```bash $ docker-compose kill ``` Likewise, `docker-compose rm` will let you remove containers (after confirmation): ```bash $ docker-compose rm Going to remove trainingwheels_redis_1, trainingwheels_www_1 Are you sure? [yN] y Removing trainingwheels_redis_1... Removing trainingwheels_www_1... ``` .debug[[containers/](] --- ## Cleaning up (2) Alternatively, `docker-compose down` will stop and remove containers. It will also remove other resources, like networks that were created for the application. ```bash $ docker-compose down Stopping trainingwheels_www_1 ... done Stopping trainingwheels_redis_1 ... done Removing trainingwheels_www_1 ... done Removing trainingwheels_redis_1 ... done ``` Use `docker-compose down -v` to remove everything including volumes. .debug[[containers/](] --- ## Special handling of volumes - When an image gets updated, Compose automatically creates a new container - The data in the old container is lost... - ... Except if the container is using a *volume* - Compose will then re-attach that volume to the new container (and data is then retained across database upgrades) - All good database images use volumes (e.g. all official images) .debug[[containers/](] --- class: extra-details ## A bit of history and trivia - Compose was initially named "Fig" - Compose is one of the only components of Docker written in Python (almost everything else is in Go) - In 2020, Docker introduced "Compose CLI": - `docker compose` command to deploy Compose stacks to some clouds - progressively getting feature parity with `docker-compose` - also provides numerous improvements (e.g. leverages BuildKit by default) ??? :EN:- Using compose to describe an environment :EN:- Connecting services together with a *Compose file* :FR:- Utiliser Compose pour décrire son environnement :FR:- Écrire un *Compose file* pour connecter les services entre eux .debug[[containers/](] --- class: title, self-paced Thank you! .debug[[shared/](] --- class: title, in-person That's all, folks! Questions? ![end](images/end.jpg) .debug[[shared/](] --- class: pic .interstitial[![Image separating from the next part](] --- name: toc-links-and-resources class: title Links and resources .nav[ [Previous part](#toc-compose-for-development-stacks) | [Back to table of contents](#toc-part-2) | [Next part](#toc-) ] .debug[(automatically generated title slide)] --- # Links and resources - [Docker Community Slack]( - [Docker Community Forums]( - [Docker Hub]( - [Docker Blog]( - [Docker documentation]( - [Docker on StackOverflow]( - [Docker on Twitter]( - [Play With Docker Hands-On Labs]( .debug[[containers/](]
RUN CMD, EXPOSE ... ``` * The build fails as soon as an instruction fails * If `RUN ` fails, the build doesn't produce an image * If it succeeds, it produces a clean image (without test libraries and data) .debug[[containers/](] --- class: pic .interstitial[![Image separating from the next part](] --- name: toc-dockerfile-examples class: title Dockerfile examples .nav[ [Previous part](#toc-tips-for-efficient-dockerfiles) | [Back to table of contents](#toc-part-2) | [Next part](#toc-compose-for-development-stacks) ] .debug[(automatically generated title slide)] --- # Dockerfile examples There are a number of tips, tricks, and techniques that we can use in Dockerfiles. But sometimes, we have to use different (and even opposed) practices depending on: - the complexity of our project, - the programming language or framework that we are using, - the stage of our project (early MVP vs. super-stable production), - whether we're building a final image or a base for further images, - etc. We are going to show a few examples using very different techniques. .debug[[containers/](] --- ## When to optimize an image When authoring official images, it is a good idea to reduce as much as possible: - the number of layers, - the size of the final image. This is often done at the expense of build time and convenience for the image maintainer; but when an image is downloaded millions of time, saving even a few seconds of pull time can be worth it. .small[ ```dockerfile RUN apt-get update && apt-get install -y libpng12-dev libjpeg-dev && rm -rf /var/lib/apt/lists/* \ && docker-php-ext-configure gd --with-png-dir=/usr --with-jpeg-dir=/usr \ && docker-php-ext-install gd ... RUN curl -o wordpress.tar.gz -SL${WORDPRESS_UPSTREAM_VERSION}.tar.gz \ && echo "$WORDPRESS_SHA1 *wordpress.tar.gz" | sha1sum -c - \ && tar -xzf wordpress.tar.gz -C /usr/src/ \ && rm wordpress.tar.gz \ && chown -R www-data:www-data /usr/src/wordpress ``` ] (Source: [Wordpress official image]( .debug[[containers/](] --- ## When to *not* optimize an image Sometimes, it is better to prioritize *maintainer convenience*. In particular, if: - the image changes a lot, - the image has very few users (e.g. only 1, the maintainer!), - the image is built and run on the same machine, - the image is built and run on machines with a very fast link ... In these cases, just keep things simple! (Next slide: a Dockerfile that can be used to preview a Jekyll / github pages site.) .debug[[containers/](] --- ```dockerfile FROM debian:sid RUN apt-get update -q RUN apt-get install -yq build-essential make RUN apt-get install -yq zlib1g-dev RUN apt-get install -yq ruby ruby-dev RUN apt-get install -yq python-pygments RUN apt-get install -yq nodejs RUN apt-get install -yq cmake RUN gem install --no-rdoc --no-ri github-pages COPY . /blog WORKDIR /blog VOLUME /blog/_site EXPOSE 4000 CMD ["jekyll", "serve", "--host", "", "--incremental"] ``` .debug[[containers/](] --- ## Multi-dimensional versioning systems Images can have a tag, indicating the version of the image. But sometimes, there are multiple important components, and we need to indicate the versions for all of them. This can be done with environment variables: ```dockerfile ENV PIP=9.0.3 \ ZC_BUILDOUT=2.11.2 \ SETUPTOOLS=38.7.0 \ PLONE_MAJOR=5.1 \ PLONE_VERSION=5.1.0 \ PLONE_MD5=76dc6cfc1c749d763c32fff3a9870d8d ``` (Source: [Plone official image]( .debug[[containers/](] --- ## Entrypoints and wrappers It is very common to define a custom entrypoint. That entrypoint will generally be a script, performing any combination of: - pre-flights checks (if a required dependency is not available, display a nice error message early instead of an obscure one in a deep log file), - generation or validation of configuration files, - dropping privileges (with e.g. `su` or `gosu`, sometimes combined with `chown`), - and more. .debug[[containers/](] --- ## A typical entrypoint script ```dockerfile #!/bin/sh set -e # first arg is '-f' or '--some-option' # or first arg is 'something.conf' if [ "${1#-}" != "$1" ] || [ "${1%.conf}" != "$1" ]; then set -- redis-server "$@" fi # allow the container to be started with '--user' if [ "$1" = 'redis-server' -a "$(id -u)" = '0' ]; then chown -R redis . exec su-exec redis "$0" "$@" fi exec "$@" ``` (Source: [Redis official image]( .debug[[containers/](] --- ## Factoring information To facilitate maintenance (and avoid human errors), avoid to repeat information like: - version numbers, - remote asset URLs (e.g. source tarballs) ... Instead, use environment variables. .small[ ```dockerfile ENV NODE_VERSION 10.2.1 ... RUN ... && curl -fsSLO --compressed "$NODE_VERSION/node-v$NODE_VERSION.tar.xz" \ && curl -fsSLO --compressed "$NODE_VERSION/SHASUMS256.txt.asc" \ && gpg --batch --decrypt --output SHASUMS256.txt SHASUMS256.txt.asc \ && grep " node-v$NODE_VERSION.tar.xz\$" SHASUMS256.txt | sha256sum -c - \ && tar -xf "node-v$NODE_VERSION.tar.xz" \ && cd "node-v$NODE_VERSION" \ ... ``` ] (Source: [Nodejs official image]( .debug[[containers/](] --- ## Overrides In theory, development and production images should be the same. In practice, we often need to enable specific behaviors in development (e.g. debug statements). One way to reconcile both needs is to use Compose to enable these behaviors. Let's look at the [trainingwheels]( demo app for an example. .debug[[containers/](] --- ## Production image This Dockerfile builds an image leveraging gunicorn: ```dockerfile FROM python RUN pip install flask RUN pip install gunicorn RUN pip install redis COPY . /src WORKDIR /src CMD gunicorn --bind --workers 10 counter:app EXPOSE 5000 ``` (Source: [trainingwheels Dockerfile]( .debug[[containers/](] --- ## Development Compose file This Compose file uses the same image, but with a few overrides for development: - the Flask development server is used (overriding `CMD`), - the `DEBUG` environment variable is set, - a volume is used to provide a faster local development workflow. .small[ ```yaml services: www: build: www ports: - 8000:5000 user: nobody environment: DEBUG: 1 command: python volumes: - ./www:/src ``` ] (Source: [trainingwheels Compose file]( .debug[[containers/](] --- ## How to know which best practices are better? - The main goal of containers is to make our lives easier. - In this chapter, we showed many ways to write Dockerfiles. - These Dockerfiles use sometimes diametrically opposed techniques. - Yet, they were the "right" ones *for a specific situation.* - It's OK (and even encouraged) to start simple and evolve as needed. - Feel free to review this chapter later (after writing a few Dockerfiles) for inspiration! ??? :EN:Optimizing images :EN:- Dockerfile tips, tricks, and best practices :EN:- Reducing build time :EN:- Reducing image size :FR:Optimiser ses images :FR:- Bonnes pratiques, trucs et astuces :FR:- Réduire le temps de build :FR:- Réduire la taille des images .debug[[containers/](] --- class: pic .interstitial[![Image separating from the next part](] --- name: toc-compose-for-development-stacks class: title Compose for development stacks .nav[ [Previous part](#toc-dockerfile-examples) | [Back to table of contents](#toc-part-2) | [Next part](#toc-links-and-resources) ] .debug[(automatically generated title slide)] --- # Compose for development stacks Dockerfile = great to build *one* container image. What if we have multiple containers? What if some of them require particular `docker run` parameters? How do we connect them all together? ... Compose solves these use-cases (and a few more). .debug[[containers/](] --- ## Life before Compose Before we had Compose, we would typically write custom scripts to: - build container images, - run containers using these images, - connect the containers together, - rebuild, restart, update these images and containers. .debug[[containers/](] --- ## Life with Compose Compose enables a simple, powerful onboarding workflow: 1. Checkout our code. 2. Run `docker-compose up`. 3. Our app is up and running! .debug[[containers/](] --- class: pic ![composeup](images/composeup.gif) .debug[[containers/](] --- ## Life after Compose (Or: when do we need something else?) - Compose is *not* an orchestrator - It isn't designed to need to run containers on multiple nodes (it can, however, work with Docker Swarm Mode) - Compose isn't ideal if we want to run containers on Kubernetes - it uses different concepts (Compose services ≠ Kubernetes services) - it needs a Docker Engine (althought containerd support might be coming) .debug[[containers/](] --- ## First rodeo with Compose 1. Write Dockerfiles 2. Describe our stack of containers in a YAML file called `docker-compose.yml` 3. `docker-compose up` (or `docker-compose up -d` to run in the background) 4. Compose pulls and builds the required images, and starts the containers 5. Compose shows the combined logs of all the containers (if running in the background, use `docker-compose logs`) 6. Hit Ctrl-C to stop the whole stack (if running in the background, use `docker-compose stop`) .debug[[containers/](] --- ## Iterating After making changes to our source code, we can: 1. `docker-compose build` to rebuild container images 2. `docker-compose up` to restart the stack with the new images We can also combine both with `docker-compose up --build` Compose will be smart, and only recreate the containers that have changed. When working with interpreted languages: - dont' rebuild each time - leverage a `volumes` section instead .debug[[containers/](] --- ## Launching Our First Stack with Compose First step: clone the source code for the app we will be working on. ```bash git clone cd trainingwheels ``` Second step: start the app. ```bash docker-compose up ``` Watch Compose build and run the app. That Compose stack exposes a web server on port 8000; try connecting to it. .debug[[containers/](] --- ## Launching Our First Stack with Compose We should see a web page like this: ![composeapp](images/composeapp.png) Each time we reload, the counter should increase. .debug[[containers/](] --- ## Stopping the app When we hit Ctrl-C, Compose tries to gracefully terminate all of the containers. After ten seconds (or if we press `^C` again) it will forcibly kill them. .debug[[containers/](] --- ## The `docker-compose.yml` file Here is the file used in the demo: .small[ ```yaml version: "3" services: www: build: www ports: - ${PORT-8000}:5000 user: nobody environment: DEBUG: 1 command: python volumes: - ./www:/src redis: image: redis ``` ] .debug[[containers/](] --- ## Compose file structure A Compose file has multiple sections: * `version` is mandatory. (Typically use "3".) * `services` is mandatory. Each service corresponds to a container. * `networks` is optional and indicates to which networks containers should be connected. (By default, containers will be connected on a private, per-compose-file network.) * `volumes` is optional and can define volumes to be used and/or shared by the containers. .debug[[containers/](] --- ## Compose file versions * Version 1 is legacy and shouldn't be used. (If you see a Compose file without `version` and `services`, it's a legacy v1 file.) * Version 2 added support for networks and volumes. * Version 3 added support for deployment options (scaling, rolling updates, etc). * Typically use `version: "3"`. The [Docker documentation]( has excellent information about the Compose file format if you need to know more about versions. .debug[[containers/](] --- ## Containers in `docker-compose.yml` Each service in the YAML file must contain either `build`, or `image`. * `build` indicates a path containing a Dockerfile. * `image` indicates an image name (local, or on a registry). * If both are specified, an image will be built from the `build` directory and named `image`. The other parameters are optional. They encode the parameters that you would typically add to `docker run`. Sometimes they have several minor improvements. .debug[[containers/](] --- ## Container parameters * `command` indicates what to run (like `CMD` in a Dockerfile). * `ports` translates to one (or multiple) `-p` options to map ports. You can specify local ports (i.e. `x:y` to expose public port `x`). * `volumes` translates to one (or multiple) `-v` options. You can use relative paths here. For the full list, check: .debug[[containers/](] --- ## Environment variables - We can use environment variables in Compose files (like `$THIS` or `${THAT}`) - We can provide default values, e.g. `${PORT-8000}` - Compose will also automatically load the environment file `.env` (it should contain `VAR=value`, one per line) - This is a great way to customize build and run parameters (base image versions to use, build and run secrets, port numbers...) .debug[[containers/](] --- ## Running multiple copies of a stack - Copy the stack in two different directories, e.g. `front` and `frontcopy` - Compose prefixes images and containers with the directory name: `front_www`, `front_www_1`, `front_db_1` `frontcopy_www`, `frontcopy_www_1`, `frontcopy_db_1` - Alternatively, use `docker-compose -p frontcopy` (to set the `--project-name` of a stack, which default to the dir name) - Each copy is isolated from the others (runs on a different network) .debug[[containers/](] --- ## Checking stack status We have `ps`, `docker ps`, and similarly, `docker-compose ps`: ```bash $ docker-compose ps Name Command State Ports ---------------------------------------------------------------------------- trainingwheels_redis_1 / red Up 6379/tcp trainingwheels_www_1 python Up>5000/tcp ``` Shows the status of all the containers of our stack. Doesn't show the other containers. .debug[[containers/](] --- ## Cleaning up (1) If you have started your application in the background with Compose and want to stop it easily, you can use the `kill` command: ```bash $ docker-compose kill ``` Likewise, `docker-compose rm` will let you remove containers (after confirmation): ```bash $ docker-compose rm Going to remove trainingwheels_redis_1, trainingwheels_www_1 Are you sure? [yN] y Removing trainingwheels_redis_1... Removing trainingwheels_www_1... ``` .debug[[containers/](] --- ## Cleaning up (2) Alternatively, `docker-compose down` will stop and remove containers. It will also remove other resources, like networks that were created for the application. ```bash $ docker-compose down Stopping trainingwheels_www_1 ... done Stopping trainingwheels_redis_1 ... done Removing trainingwheels_www_1 ... done Removing trainingwheels_redis_1 ... done ``` Use `docker-compose down -v` to remove everything including volumes. .debug[[containers/](] --- ## Special handling of volumes - When an image gets updated, Compose automatically creates a new container - The data in the old container is lost... - ... Except if the container is using a *volume* - Compose will then re-attach that volume to the new container (and data is then retained across database upgrades) - All good database images use volumes (e.g. all official images) .debug[[containers/](] --- class: extra-details ## A bit of history and trivia - Compose was initially named "Fig" - Compose is one of the only components of Docker written in Python (almost everything else is in Go) - In 2020, Docker introduced "Compose CLI": - `docker compose` command to deploy Compose stacks to some clouds - progressively getting feature parity with `docker-compose` - also provides numerous improvements (e.g. leverages BuildKit by default) ??? :EN:- Using compose to describe an environment :EN:- Connecting services together with a *Compose file* :FR:- Utiliser Compose pour décrire son environnement :FR:- Écrire un *Compose file* pour connecter les services entre eux .debug[[containers/](] --- class: title, self-paced Thank you! .debug[[shared/](] --- class: title, in-person That's all, folks! Questions? ![end](images/end.jpg) .debug[[shared/](] --- class: pic .interstitial[![Image separating from the next part](] --- name: toc-links-and-resources class: title Links and resources .nav[ [Previous part](#toc-compose-for-development-stacks) | [Back to table of contents](#toc-part-2) | [Next part](#toc-) ] .debug[(automatically generated title slide)] --- # Links and resources - [Docker Community Slack]( - [Docker Community Forums]( - [Docker Hub]( - [Docker Blog]( - [Docker documentation]( - [Docker on StackOverflow]( - [Docker on Twitter]( - [Play With Docker Hands-On Labs]( .debug[[containers/](]